From the kid I tutor, during yesterday’s session. We are reading through word lists to practice reading, and sometimes his free association comments are true gems: " . . . Slave. Save. Safe. Hey, that’s like, Phew, I’m safe from the sharks." "Right." "Like, when I say I’m safe from the sharks, it’s just…
Hope revisited
It’s snowing outside. My coworker’s wife went to her home in Israel to visit family and have a routine checkup. They found a lump. Today they found out it’s cancerous. Tomorrow she learns details of treatment options. My friend was in my office telling me with complete (feigned) detachment, and then suddenly he was crying. …
I don’t know why this gives me hope for the world . . . but it does.
60 hours later . . .
Was that just Sunday, that I wrote that last blog? Well, Grace ain’t here no more. Grace has left the building, with Peace in tow, and Chaos and Rapid Resting Heart Rate have filled up their empty seats. Thus goes a Wednesday on a week when I am working on a show. Last night,…
Some days I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be. What I want and what I have are the same exact thing. Everything is in harmony, and my mind vibrates, like the ghostly harmonics that hover over a perfectly tuned guitar chord. It’s a higher state of being. I once read…