Things That Occur To Me While Typing a Paper on My Porch on Easter Sunday
My pandora station juxtaposed an Eva Cassidy’s rendition of “Coat of Many Colors” with Kelly Clarkson’s “Up to the Mountain,” and after the first few bars I had to look to see if…
Two Cute Kids
I got home tonight just in time to nurse Liam before bed (it is the thick of exam study time). He gazed up in my face, thrilled I was there, and then clicked…
. . . approacheth. More importantly, however, I have to register for classes tomorrow morning, and I’m having a devil of a time deciding what I want to take. There are tons of…
An Olde Memorie
I was riding my bicycle to choir practice this morning, and suddenly I smelled something (what? I do not know) that sucked me through a vortex of a decade and spat me out…
One Sentence Story – The Vigil
In body I attend class, kiss my children, type notes into my computer, prepare for the end of term, but in spirit I am sitting vigil with the already-grieving mother in the ICU,…