• Two Cute Kids

    I got home tonight just in time to nurse Liam before bed (it is the thick of exam study time).  He gazed up in my face, thrilled I was there, and then clicked…

  • Examinations

    . . . approacheth. More importantly, however, I have to register for classes tomorrow morning, and I’m having a devil of a time deciding what I want to take.  There are tons of…

  • An Olde Memorie

    I was riding my bicycle to choir practice this morning, and suddenly I smelled something (what?  I do not know) that sucked me through a vortex of a decade and spat me out…

  • One Sentence Story – The Vigil

    In body I attend class, kiss my children, type notes into my computer, prepare for the end of term, but in spirit I am sitting vigil with the already-grieving mother in the ICU,…