Categorizing Things is Overrated
Developing Like Mad
Lately, you’ve: been giggling at me when I get home. You seem so delighted to see me. I bounce you on my knee, and it’s like THE funniest thing. Or I shake you…
Remember last year? When I begged you all for money for my cancer fundraiser? It’s that time of year again. If you have a dollar, five dollars, twenty dollars to spare,…
Just over the last week, you have been insatiably hungry. Baby boy, you are eating more than a one year old – 8 ounces in your bottle, every 2.5 hours. You spit lots…
Verti Go-Go
All Points Bulletin: It is hard to do things when you are so dizzy you can barely hold your head up. Why vertigo? Why me? Why now? Why not some low…