Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • Music City and the desert

    I flew from NOLA to Nashville on Monday, November 22 for a week of Thanksgiving cheer, and then flew to Arizona on Sunday November 28 for work. I just got back yesterday –…

  • Beach

    *This draft is from a trip we took in October to Fort Walton beach. I started a list of vignettes – it was such a charming trip, so much wildlife. Thanksgiving update to…

  • Nashville Throwback

    Back in the first week of August, we headed for the annual summer week at my parents’ house in Nashville. The week prior, the Prof took the kids to his parents’ house for…

  • Covid and Ida and Masks, Oh My!

    I ordered our Christmas cards already (I always order mega early, they’re so much cheaper and it’s one thing off the list), and our tagline is “Covid and Ida and Masks, Oh My!”…

  • Monday Fun Day

    Oh gosh, not really, we’ve had an excellent couple of weeks (most recently in Tennessee) and I am back in the saddle, kids go back to school tomorrow, and I am FULL OF…