Categorizing Things is Overrated


I’m terribly sad today, everyone.  I go back to work in 48 hours.  It’s got me down.  Starting Friday, I’ll be spending more time apart from him than I will with him.
I just keep thinking how I’ll miss so much while I’m gone all day.  I’ll miss his first laugh.  His first step.  First word.  When I’m feeling particularly melodramatic I think that he probably won’t even learn how to say Mama before he learns dog, cat, ball, Dad.  He changes minute to minute, and there are so many minutes in a day that I won’t get to see.  I sniffled all morning, feeling tremendously sorry for myself and hating this country for its work ethic.  We may be rich, and prosperous, but sometimes I wonder at what cost?
So, I know he won’t remember that I was gone all this time.  He’ll grow up totally happy and well adjusted and just fine.  In the long run it’s no big deal, not even for me.  But in the short run . . . <resigned sigh.>


  • Vern

    Here\’s something that will cheer you up:  You\’ll be back just in time to go to the IRC on Tuesday!  And additionally, They\’re building a Cook-Out right across the street from where I work!  Now if those two things don\’t pick your spirits up, then you must have a heart of stone!

  • NJaney

    Oh chick, that is sad. I can\’t believe how fast that was!!
    I\’m hoping your co-workers let you ease into it on Friday…and let you out early, and that you have a very sweet weekend with your boys! (and that cat…).

  • super jane

    i know exactly how you\’re feeling right now.  it\’s a feeling that i\’ve felt twice before and i know how much it hurts.  i won\’t attempt to put a band-aid on you, because i know that nothing any of us say or do can help ease your pain.  just know that we\’re all here for you.  *big hug*

  • Kelly

    Way too fast. It always goes like that and then the guilt comes in and you\’re sunk. You have to believe that you\’ll get to see the most precious moments because that\’s the only way to remain sane. xoxo