It’s all leftover food, leftover feelings around here. We brought a lot of food home from the wedding, which has helped keep us eating good dinners even though Mama didn’t have a weekend to shop and cook. We also brought a lot of feelings home – Sunrise Sunset kind of feelings and others, the ragtag…
When Jack was just a baby, we took him to a convention of barbershop singers in Nashville, which my father helped coordinate as part of his job. All of my siblings attended– the youngest three were also working the convention, and we oldest two were just audience-members. My middle sister’s college boyfriend at the time…
Jack. Eight.
The universal and the unique are at war when parents try to describe their children to other people. Jack is Everyman at eight – everything I could say about him will sound like what all parents say about their offspring, and in many ways he is an eight year old like every other eight year…
Family Fun
Yesterday we took the boys to the spring game on campus. We spent forty dollars on hot dogs (when she told me the total I nearly fainted), and the boys dusted the pollen-covered benches with the seats of their formerly-clean jeans. They met Riptide, the Pelican mascot, and rubbed his fuzzy beak. There was a…
MILP Roundup
I am part of a group of women who blog(ged), all lawyers and moms, who have been supporting one another online for many years (nearly a decade for some, and I’ve been involved for maybe 7?) And we had a meetup! Not nearly everyone could attend, but we had a solid half dozen. Three others…