I titled this “Blog Title” because sometimes just getting past the title is a pain, especially if I don’t know what I’m going to write (beyond the meal plan, oh yes!) This was my first full week at work, and it went just fine. I’m getting to know people, I have billable work, everyone seems nice….
Saturday! Morning! Meal! Planning!
The boys are home from “I-luh-rund.” It is very noisy here now. Jack is giving Craig piggy back rides. Liam has spent some quality time with his Skylanders video game. Happiest among us is almost certainly Virgil, who has an exasperated air of “Finally, these crazy humans are in a herd-able group again!” He has…
His little swim things are drying on the back deck rail. I’ve gathered the various sprinkler attachments that I’d put on the hose for him this morning, and they’re in a somewhat muddy, grassy pile on the stone pavers to the side of our house. He’s asleep upstairs, and I’m about to lay down here…
Gratitude & Anxiety, in Equal Measure
My week+2 days off is drawing to a close, and I feel (as my title would suggest) both anxiety and gratitude. Sometimes it can be hard to relax, even with a week off, since I have been conditioned to experience time as a scarcity, to be jealously hoarded. I am used to stressing about how to…
Welllll . . . it’s been a coupla weeks, let me tell YOU. My notice at work was two weeks long, as is typical. The first week of it, I tried to stick to billing 7 or less hours a day (my typical day is 9-10 billed, plus a bit of nonbillable). We have to bill…