My daily cycling commute takes me about ten blocks west to the park, then about a mile north along the park trails to school. The road we live on is bumpy. It’s a one way. I don’t often see many cars. I cross three big two way streets, and always with great caution. Always, that…
I Guess I Should Reclaim My Blog!
I had big plans to write a big response post to my guest blogger, whose dilemma I think we ALL understand. But I can barely manage these few boring sentences. Dear anonymous blogger, if you ever return to see this – date the guy! As long as "different from other guys" isn’t a euphemism for…
Guest Post
The below is a guest post by a . . . TOTAL . . . STRANGER . . . BWAA HAA HAAAAAA. As part of Blog Share 2009, we each submitted anonymous blogs round the rosie, as they say. Mine is out there on someone else’s blog, anonymous. Below the post is a list of…
All Hallow's Eve
We walked down the solid half mile of block party, witches and warlocks, pirates and princesses, a Campbell’s soup can, and (my favorite) the Easter Bunny. Jack, the big black spider, learned quickly to march up to the porch, maneuver himself up the steps, and dig right down into the candy. He grabbed armfuls of…
I Should Be Drafting A Memo Right Now
My non-babysitting time is so limited, I find it hard to justify blogs these days. I miss writing, but since I only have about 30-35 daylight hours a week to work on schoolwork, and about 50-60-100 hours of schoolwork to do in that time (really you could work all day and night and still have…