• My New Home

    After approximately four years of writing drivel on another hosting service, I've got my own home. Shiny. . .

  • Lovely Post

    When this man writes about his daughter, it makes me hope, for Patrick’s sake, that our planned third-and-final kid is a girl. http://thebhj.com/journal/2010/2/26/6.html

  • Two

    I have received interview requests for my spring interview program.  I bid on 10 jobs, and got 3 interviews – all with employment law firms (ones that work for The Man, not The…

  • Spaces can BITE ME

    I’ve contemplated moving to a different platform several times, but never bothered because I don’t really care about having beautiful custom what-have-yous.  But doing this little re-ordering of my space, which was prompted…