I’m 20 weeks today, which means I’m halfway through this pregnancy. Woot. We attended oral arguments today for two cases in the Fifth circuit court of appeals, and I’m pleased to say I really found it interesting. Remember, I’m doing this law school thing while crossing my fingers that I actually end up liking…
21 Months
Big boy, you get funnier every day. You dance like a fool, feed your bear your dinner, and delight in movies. You finally have learned to say Juice when you want juice, and Down when you want down, which is a step in the right direction. I think you’re learning that words make the world…
Important Bulletin
King cakes are, in fact, delicious, despite my turning my nose up at their gaudy colored sprinkles. Especially Winn Dixie Bavarian Cream. Oh man.
We're Washing Lots of Diapers Today
Jack has had approximately 47 glasses of juice/milk today. He has finally learned to ask for a drink by saying "juice" instead of throwing himself in front of the fridge in the throes of agony. To cement the concept, I am rewarding every eyebrow-raised, sweetly questioning "ju?" with a big old drink of watered down…
It's a
wee-wee. Said the ultrasound tech. Mother’s intuition was right this time. Two people scanned me today, and in between scans we put Jack up on my belly, as he was getting quite worried about Mommy getting poked and prodded. (Yes, we took him. I don’t recommend it, but desperate times . . . he did…