Bits and Bobs
This article on Pioneer Woman has me drooling, dying, crying for a garden. Even though the last thing I need is something else to take care of. I broke a plate last night,…
Initial Post
30 weeks, dear son, and my my my are you a mover and a shaker! At this very moment you are stretching straight out, pushing hard on my belly in several places. You’re…
Nearly Two
You dance constantly, at any hint of a beat. You just this past week or two finally started mimicking most of what we say. It isn’t the clearest, but you are clearly trying…
City Mouse and Country Mouse, Part II
This morning, we woke at a reasonable hour, put on decent clothes, and walked twenty minutes to church. Last night, The Professor fancied a beer and we had none in the house, so…
A Quick Note to My Son
Angus (not your real name) – Throughout this pregnancy, you have been more of an abstraction than even your brother was, which seems counterintuitive – I know what I’m getting, and yet I…