• Wind

    It is 4:30 am, and I am breathless, breathless. I pace the cool tile floor and raise my arms above my head, wanting to breathe without work, without thinking about it, trying to…

  • Supermom

    Last Monday, I took the Awful Exam.  Tomorrow, I start the Scary New (Temporary) Job.  In the time between, I’ve accomplished a great deal, much of it falling under the category of Making…

  • Today

    Today you counted for the first time. You said One Two, before dad would throw you up on his legs. We couldn’t get you to go to three, but still. One, Two, clear…

  • Hot

    It is hot, and the AC does not work, not in our house, not with a mouse, not in our car, makes me go RAWR.  (Sorry, Seuss.) Angus (not his real name) is…