• A Little Daylight

    I really shouldn’t sit and write blog posts after midnight when I just want to sleep.  I fear I’m giving the impression that I’m unbalanced and perpetually miserable, which isn’t the case.  In daylight, everything…

  • Inspiration-less

    The root word for inspiration (spiro) means to breathe, did you know that? It’s very hard to be clever or thoughtful or inspirational when one literally cannot breathe.  But I’m sick of writing…

  • The Job

    As I’m up, struggling to breathe YET AGAIN, God help me this kid had better be adorable – as I was saying, as I’m up, I thought I’d give a little rundown on…

  • Karma Police

    Listening to Radiohead while I work.  I guess the last time in my life I listened to this band regularly must have been when I lived in Australia, because my mind is flooded with…

  • Sunday at the Park

    On Sunday we put Jack into his wagon and dragged him over the bumpy New Orleans roads to a nearby park.  He spent the first half of playtime there being afraid of a motorized…