Memorial Day 2010
Memorial Day 2010 did not go as planned, but it was nevertheless a lovely weekend for all. Rain ruined the boys’ camping plans. We camp with my husband’s family every Memorial Day, and last…
Don’t Get Excited
I’ve been having mild, irregular contractions for about a week now. On Tuesday they told me I was one centimeter. Yesterday I was feeling them all the long day and into the dark evening, and…
Getting Close at 36 Weeks
It’s been a rough few weeks, son, I can’t lie to you. I’ve been having a hard time envisioning being your mother when you’re out of the womb, because I’m so tortured by…
Clang Clang Clang
I wake between 5:30-6:30, depending on when The Professor and his Dog step out of the bedroom door. The click of the doorknob is all it takes to wake me usually, but barring that,…
Bullet Points
I have figured out how to conquer the Insomniac Blues – through projects! Instead of viewing this as time spent not sleeping, I’m going to view it as extra time in my day for…