• Memorial Day 2010

    Memorial Day 2010 did not go as planned, but it was nevertheless a lovely weekend for all. Rain ruined the boys’ camping plans.  We camp with my husband’s family every Memorial Day, and last…

  • Don’t Get Excited

    I’ve been having mild, irregular contractions for about a week now.  On Tuesday they told me I was one centimeter.  Yesterday I was feeling them all the long day and into the dark evening, and…

  • Getting Close at 36 Weeks

    It’s been a rough few weeks, son, I can’t lie to you. I’ve been having a hard time envisioning being your mother when you’re out of the womb, because I’m so tortured by…

  • Clang Clang Clang

    I wake between 5:30-6:30, depending on when The Professor and his Dog step out of the bedroom door.  The click of the doorknob is all it takes to wake me usually, but barring that,…

  • Bullet Points

    I have figured out how to conquer the Insomniac Blues – through projects!  Instead of viewing this as time spent not sleeping, I’m going to view it as extra time in my day for…