• Liam’s Birth Story

    Monday I went to work and felt like hell pretty much all day.  Braxton Hicks contractions plagued me (a “practice” contraction that makes your belly muscles hard), so that my stomach and ribs…

  • Tuesday’s Child is Full of Grace

    6:33 pm, he made his way into this world, 8 pounds, 5 ounces of squirming, squalling misery. Like my labor with his brother, a slow start, but a dash to the finish.  This…

  • A Pillar of Salt

    “My parents were in Mississippi at their farm.  They thought they’d be safer there than in the city.  They weren’t answering their phones, and I heard on the radio that their town had a direct…

  • Summer, in All Its Glory

    We were sitting in front of the t.v. fanning ourselves at about 7pm tonight when suddenly everything clicked off.  The power was out.  Woe.  I thought fearfully of a night without AC, of…

  • Deja Vu

    Three nights before my son Jack was born, I clambered up to join my husband in our full bed.  We had propped the laptop on top of our chest of drawers and were watching…