• Yen

    I page through pictures from a trip we took to Missoula four years ago.  Or was it five?  In them, I am four/five years younger – two children lighter.  I do not yet…

  • Plop

    I keeled over. I am the Maritime Journal’s bitch. My eyes are red, my head is swimming, and I’m 81 footnotes into a 212-footnote article edit.  BLARG.  I’ll be glad when it’s tomorrow,…

  • They Say It’s My Birthday

    Still sick.  Still busy.  Too busy to write much. Except – Happy Birthday to me!  I am taking a few hours out of my day this evening to do something as yet unnamed…

  • A Missive from the Diseased

    It’s the beginning of a very busy week, and I have just caught a terrible cold.  Both boys have it, too.  The only thing sadder than an exhausted toddler half-heartedly crying in the…

  • The Nearness of You

    Today was my first day of school, and thus I spent the morning hugging and how-was-your-summering and feeling moderately smug superiority directed at the panicked 1Ls milling about.  And all through the day,…