48 hours you have fussed, grunted, wiggled, and resisted sleep. If I put you down, you wail, but when I hold you, you wiggle. When dad holds you, you also wail, so it’s been all Mom, all the time. This afternoon, dad could tell by the look on my face that I needed a break…
A Much Needed Date
I had a date last night with my favorite guy. We pulled into City Park, and called our friends who didn’t answer. I left a message. “We’re here, we’ll just drive around until we see hundreds of people on a 2k run! Shouldn’t be hard to find!” Seconds later, we saw a pack of…
5 weeks
Your eyelashes have grown in much thicker, cutie, and you really are starting to grow into your own person instead of generic newborn. You have recently started smiling at us, and it kills me! I love that smile, it takes up your whole face. Your eyes turn into sunny half circles, your cheeks rise practically…
Talking at last!
Paradoxically, as your development speeds up and you get more interesting, I am writing less and less about it. But here goes. Liam was born recently, and you were kind of a terror for a very brief amount of time, and now you’re wonderful again. Really, you are such a jolly little boy, and don’t…
Twenty Five
This is the number of pounds I have to lose to get to my pre-baby weight. SUCK. I gained the same amount with each boy, but with Jack I had way less to lose. I think my one postpartum month of visitors, plus my inability to do much of anything even remotely athletic, made me…