• Holding up a Mirror

    “TIMEOUT!” Jack yells at his bear.  He plops him with force down on the corner of the bed.  I snicker into my sleeve.  He does a pretty good Stern Mommy Voice. “TIMEOUT!” he…

  • Back in the Black

    I read a blog post on Shakespeare written by a friend of mine who went to the same graduate school as I did – the Shakespeare Annex in Stratford-upon-Avon – and suddenly I…

  • Thank You For Your Application

    They rustle at me from the bin in the corner.  They whisper You Aren’t Good Enough.  This Was A Waste of Time.  Your Children Deserve Better. Be Afraid.  You Will Never Succeed. Rejection…

  • Handsome!

    You are so wonderful right now. You love your little brother. You’re very good about playing alone. You love to read.

  • Gnaw

    You have hit the drooly, gnawing stage, and it is adorable. You have just learned to bring your hands to your mouth, and you can sort of hold things, so now you sort…