• Peeping

    I am a peeping Thomasina.  I look in people’s windows.  Do you do this? I’m not interested in the people – I’d rather they not be there, so I can look more openly.…

  • Red Rubber Ball Addendum – Breakup Songs

    The past post got me thinking about breakup songs.  The song I listened to during the breakup memorialized by that post was awesome.  It powered me through some workouts.  It was not the…


    ONE In the pre-dawn hours of a glorious October day, I got in my car and drove five minutes to the start of my first organized race. And then drove forty minutes looking…

  • Listless

    It’s just one of those days, those days where I have a million things to do but can’t settle on which so I wander around the house wondering if I should train for…