You dance?
You’re getting better and better at expressing yourself, little boy. You! Push button! Dis one! Dance! This is one of your favorite commandments – that we push the button on the boombox, make…
So this is how it goes these days. You scream and cry and fuss and holler when hungry, demanding immediate sustenance and crying quite pitifully if there is any delay. Then I get…
Approximately Forty Minutes of Awesome
This is my band. My old band. We are for sale. Or rather, our album is. Though we are, too, if you live in the Triangle area and would like some roots rock…
Gobble Gobble
Dinner at 3. I make chipotle smashed sweet potatoes, which nobody likes. My mother calls the peppers chi-polt-ay beans, and we make merciless fun. After, poker chips and beer at the small round…