2010 in (Slightly Shorter) Review
I ditched some of my least favorite questions, and answered the rest! 1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before? Mardi Gras! Who knew that it would be so…
Christmas Wrapped Up
Our front door is wide open, letting in the sixty degree air. Liam is rolling around on a pile of blankets I put on our cold tile floor. Jack is still sound asleep,…
The Lover and the Joker
I am home after completing my last final. I’m a little grumpy that most of my friends are out celebrating, enjoying a beer at an outdoor table of a French Quarter bar on…
The Things We Do to Avoid Admiralty Law
I should be studying right now. The husband is watching the children for the express purpose of me getting some study time. Admiralty law is way complex, I have a test in two…
Digging in my Heels
The Professor and I are largely laid back people, and we rarely fight. But today, we’re fighting (in a still largely friendly but-the-undertone-is-mothertrucking-serious kind of way). Over THE MOST ridiculous thing. So I…