• Mystery Unveiled

    There’s a neat article on Atlantic Monthly’s website (and presumably, then, also in the print magazine) all about the reason why certain ingredients in baking recipes have to be certain temperatures.  I used…

  • Wonder About that Wonder Woman Tag?

    Thought I should note that I was once part of a collective blog called the I Wonder Women – four sorority sisters who live all over the four corners of this country, trying…

  • Thoughts After Two Weeks of Looking Respectable

    I have worn makeup and accessories – bracelet and necklace and watch, oh my! – for going on three weeks now, excluding just ONE day in honor of my near death-by-gastrointestinal-distress experience.  At…

  • The Lost Week

    So, this week was a wash.  I came down with the bug Wednesday night, and The Professor followed suit about two hours after me.  We were up all that night ill, and spent…

  • Puke, Html code, and the Backyardigans

    I thought I’d try one of those nifty titles that collects a bunch of non-related items into a list and makes you think I’m going to link them in some profound way. I…