Mystery Unveiled
There’s a neat article on Atlantic Monthly’s website (and presumably, then, also in the print magazine) all about the reason why certain ingredients in baking recipes have to be certain temperatures. I used…
Wonder About that Wonder Woman Tag?
Thought I should note that I was once part of a collective blog called the I Wonder Women – four sorority sisters who live all over the four corners of this country, trying…
Thoughts After Two Weeks of Looking Respectable
I have worn makeup and accessories – bracelet and necklace and watch, oh my! – for going on three weeks now, excluding just ONE day in honor of my near death-by-gastrointestinal-distress experience. At…
The Lost Week
So, this week was a wash. I came down with the bug Wednesday night, and The Professor followed suit about two hours after me. We were up all that night ill, and spent…
Puke, Html code, and the Backyardigans
I thought I’d try one of those nifty titles that collects a bunch of non-related items into a list and makes you think I’m going to link them in some profound way. I…