The Professor and I are largely laid back people, and we rarely fight. But today, we’re fighting (in a still largely friendly but-the-undertone-is-mothertrucking-serious kind of way). Over THE MOST ridiculous thing. So I put it to you, not to pick sides, but to perhaps help us find a way to compromise. The issue involves The…
You dance?
You’re getting better and better at expressing yourself, little boy. You! Push button! Dis one! Dance! This is one of your favorite commandments – that we push the button on the boombox, make the music come out, and then come and dance. You are forever asking us to dance. We usually do, because you won’t…
So this is how it goes these days. You scream and cry and fuss and holler when hungry, demanding immediate sustenance and crying quite pitifully if there is any delay. Then I get you all set, you take a couple of glugs, and then immediately begin looking around for something else to do. Often you…
Approximately Forty Minutes of Awesome
This is my band. My old band. We are for sale. Or rather, our album is. Though we are, too, if you live in the Triangle area and would like some roots rock at your way cool function. You can download MP3s for 99 cents each. All of those 99 cents go right back into…
It’s exam season. I wish I could go “SHAZAM!” and make exams disappear. A tenuous link between content and title, but you’ll have to deal. As I said – exam week(s). I can’t believe I’m “wasting” time writing at all. I went to our old home state the week before Thanksgiving to sing with my…