Do you ever feel like you’ve been gently, insistently redirected? Herded. Shepherded. There is a distinction, but in either case, direction from an outside source is implicit. A sheep-i-ness is implied. I have…
My Pride, My Joy
The past two nights, I’ve had to take Jack to stay with friends for the evening while I putter about doing law school activities (the husband and baby were out of town). The…
Quick (and Depressing) Brain Dump
I cannot say this aloud to the people I want to say it to, so I’m going to splash it here. But quickly, bc I have a lot to do. So a little boy…
Fairy tale
Once upon a time, back in the days before my marriage, I still lived with my oldest younger sister. We lived together in a tiny grayish house in Hillsborough, North Carolina, a town…
Friday Evening WTF
We glanced at our bare cupboards last night, and decided to drive to a nearby Pizza Hut to pick up some greasy dinner and bring it home. Pizza Hut is in a small…