• One Sentence Story – The Vigil

    In body I attend class, kiss my children, type notes into my computer, prepare for the end of term, but in spirit I am sitting vigil with the already-grieving mother in the ICU,…

  • A Tale of Two Cities

    I once caused a kerfuffle at my old job in Roxboro, North Carolina by getting permission to make a company picnic BYOB.  One of my employees (a manager) pulled me aside and said…

  • Another Moment

    In the midst of end-of-term chaos, these beautiful moments keep  ambushing me. Last night the Professor saddled up the pup for his evening walkies, and I decided to corral our increasingly active boys…

  • A Moment

    Last week, while the husband and baby were out of town, Jack and I went to a friend’s house for a cookout.  At the cookout, the host had a dozen oysters on the…

  • Not This Boy

    Jack’s classmate, the little boy for whom we had the blood drive, is not doing well.  His liver is reacting negatively to the chemo he had before the marrow transplant.  His tummy is…