• Wiggin’

    Just this second, I’m feeling overwhelmed and out of control.  Oddly, it has nothing to do with the job, which continues to click along at a breakneck pace, taking up virtually all of…

  • ***

    I am home for the weekend.  I have been living every second with the boys.  Liam doesn’t sleep well.  I am tired. Liam goes down for  a nap.  Jack is still awake, playing…

  • My Baby, My Boy

    In fourteen days, my baby will be one year old.  People are asking me the plan for the first birthday.  I’m working 12,13,14 hour days, his father is working endless days, we are…

  • Benny

    Oh man, you guys.  The Benny saga has just gone on and on, and every time I think it’s a good time for an update, he takes another twist in the road and…

  • Friday Night in Mo-Town

    I am drinking my second beer of the night, in my hotel room, listening to the sounds of the various humans occupying their little blocks of space beside me, below me, above me.…