Careful What You Wish For . . .
The back pain has settled into a dull, constant ache. So maybe I preferred the ache-free, sucker-punch-at-any-minute stage more. I don’t know. The dull ache sucks. But it’s an ache that aches in…
The Debt Ceiling
. . . is not going to be the topic of this blog post! Wa-hey! Did I trick you? Many of the updates in blogs, facebook, email, legal tabloids, and what-have-you are regarding…
This Is Not A Post About A Wedding
I’m in my parents’ kitchen in Nashville, dropping crumbs of chocolate chip cookie into my baby son’s mouth and monitoring the doneness of some pasta boiling on the stove. I have begun a…
Idyll Interrupted
On July 15, the day after that last post, I took the boys on another amazing bike ride. We waved at train conductors, truck drivers, and shipmates, and I marveled at how cool…
Wooking for Wions
Our morning activity today was another long bike ride. I’ve discovered a long, straight, mostly flat path along the mighty Mississip, and I rode along it for a handful of miles today, towing…