Proof? Or Consequences?
If my internetting skills are remotely up to snuff, there should be a new link over there to your right for a new blog by an old friend: Proof or Consequences. This friend…
On Being Three Years Old (and Living With Such a Creature)
Three is . . . difficult. Three is anticipating the end of the Sesame Street episode about ten minutes before it comes, and asking incessantly, again and again, if he can watch another…
My Sons’ Hometown
Take a United States map. Place your index finger at the tip of Florida, and then, moving northerly and to the west, trace the Gulf-side border of the state. You’ll trail your pointer…
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Corrie P.
July twenty-third dawned hot and sunny. Corrie had arranged for all of us ‘maids to spend the morning together at a spa. Makeup, hair, and nails were on our own dime, so each…