That Other One
He is up to my knee already. I used to lay him across my forearm – bum in palm, head in the crook of my elbow, nuzzled in close and sleeping. That seems…
Expletive Deleted, As This Is A Family Blog
Dear Tropical Storm Lee, I hate you. Signed, Me ******************************************************* I was supposed to fly to NC today, to join my sisters and mother on a fun jaunt in Brevard. Instead, I’m stuck…
Twiddles Thumbs . . . Checks Email . . . Writes Blog Post
. . . realizes she has nothing new to report, closes New Blog Post window, goes back to twiddling thumbs. (T-minus 7 days til Jack starts school, and I can actually do work…
Jack and Me and Doctors
I want to begin training for October’s half marathon, but I’m forcing myself to wait until I’ve been to the neurological clinic about my broken back. That appointment is this Thursday. Also this…