• Glorious

    At first the wind was cold.  But later I was happy for it. A front had swept through the night before, rattling the screen door, making it hard for me to sleep.  When…

  • Scenes from a Marriage

    As I obliquely mentioned here, by way of a picture and caption, last week the Professor and I celebrated five years of marriage.  How the heck that time flew by so quickly, I…

  • My Loves

    We played a game the other day, Jack and I.  In this game, which we played on the sidewalk as we headed to a nearby bookstore, he would run ahead of me, then…

  • Curses

    I recorded myself for the accent vlog that everybody’s doing these days (lemming!  lemming!  find me a cliff of of which I may fling myself!), but now I can’t find the cord that…