I recorded myself for the accent vlog that everybody’s doing these days (lemming! lemming! find me a cliff of of which I may fling myself!), but now I can’t find the cord that transfers the video from the camera to the computer. Nor can I find the cord that transfers our pictures. These cords are…
Magical Thinking
Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, Jack goes to the nearby Children’s Hospital for his half hour speech therapy session. Incidentally, if you ever want to feel blue, hang out for a while at a children’s hospital. It is guaranteed to ruin your afternoon by shoving Perspective all up in your face. There’s nothing like a…
This Small Child’s Entire Life, Brought to you by Vaccines!
There’s a huge whooping cough outbreak at a local daycare here. The child who brought it to school was un-vaccinated, and several very little babies now have it, including a 2 month old. Over 120 children were exposed to the cough, as well as all of the adult care providers. Those adults then went home…
The husband and I got to watch a football game (not the Saints) in the Superdome this week – from the sidelines! It was pretty cool. We went back in the locker room to hear the coaches berate the guys before the game and during halftime. During the game, we got to mingle down on…
The boys received their annual Halloween packages from two of their aunts today. Every single year since I gave birth to my first little monster, two of my sisters have sent boxes of Halloween goodies to their spoilt nephew(s). Sister #1 sent a spider mobile (which Jack both loved and feared), and some awesome Halloween…