MILP Roundup!
The Mothers in the Legal Profession blogroll – a list of awesome women, many (all?) of whom went to law school with children (or had one while in law school) – does a…
True as it Can Beeeeeeeee
It’s a tale as old as time. The woman decides she wants a change. She begins cutting things. Soda. Cream. Sugar from her coffee, and eventually half and half. Meat. Then salad dressing,…
Funnily Enough, This Was Already in My Drafts Folder
There’s a mini meme sweeping through the MILPs (Mothers In the Legal Profession). The meme is to talk about why we went to law school, and whether we recommend it for others. I’m…
I am feeling very . . .
Jack loves to name his emotions right now. He usually seems to pick the right word – though he loves to say “I am very embarrassed,” no matter what he’s actually feeling. I…