Parades # 7, 8, & 9 – The Best Day of Mardi Gras
**TWO NOTES: Firstly, I have only two children. I described myself as a thirty three year old mother of three in the last post – I think I was hypnotized by all of…
Parades # 5 & 6 – Preschool Playground Parades, and Mama Marches in D’Etat
On Friday morning, Jack’s class had their annual parade at school. Half of the kids decorate wagons with purple, green and gold banners. They dress in their Mardi Gras finest, and then roll…
MILP Roundup # 240 – Exploration Edition
MILP Round up at Attorney at Large’s place! Next week at Butterflyfish.
Parade #4 – Mama Gets a Shoe at Muses
The children are sleeping. The Professor is at work, writing a paper. I’m on the couch, nursing the last lingering effects of a minor hangover (and two horribly scabbed up and swollen knees…
Parades # 2 & 3 – Pontchartrain, then Druids and Nyx in the Rain
The day after Cleopatra, a Saturday, the Professor took the car to work. This will become important later. I promised the boys we’d do some parades that Saturday. Pontchartrain rolled at 2pm, so…