I should have put this up on Mother’s Day, but alas, I did not. FAIL. Well, at least now you get to read about all of our MILPs’ Mother’s Days! This is in alpha order today, because done is better than perfect (especially when it’s two days late!) Alice in Wonderland took Judah to Wonderland!…
Whenever it rains in New Orleans, the streets turn into swimming pools. The boys, along with our upstairs neighbor, donned boots and puddle-stomped, while I supervised them and also a morning yard sale. So this morning was a fairly successful group yard sale – we made over $100 total, and got rid of a number…
I just finished my very last exam of my life (except for that whole THE BAR EXAM thing – I start the class to study for that on Monday. So like, in four days. I’d like to complain to the management, but nobody’s listening.) I wouldn’t get an LLM if you paid me. Strike that…
MILP #251, Exams Edition
At Today and Tomorrow this week!
To Throw a Birthday Party
I am surfacing briefly, gulping some air before diving back down into the miserable, murky sea of finals week, in order to bring my eldest son’s adoring fans a few pictures from his now long-past birthday party. It was, you will soon gather, not without roadblocks. We had rented a pavilion at this lovely park in…