• Birthday Parties – 1 of 2

    When Liam turned one, he had pretty much no party.  I was living and working apart from my family, staying in a hotel and seeing them only on weekends (or every other weekend).…

  • MILP #256

    The latest MILP Roundup was hosted at PT-Law Mom this week! The Weekly MILP (Moms In the Legal Profession) Roundup is hosted on a rotating basis at the Butterflyfish, Ptlawmom,Attorney Work Product, Attorney at Large, Today & Tomorrow, Magic Cookie,…

  • Bar Studying, Week Three

    So, studying for the bar is . . . what it is.  It is considerably more work than law school, and in fact I am already discarding some of the tasks assigned.  I…

  • I Just Liam

    Lately, this is an exchange you have with your grandmother: “Dee Dee?”“what-ee?”“No, I not whatee, I just Liam.”“Oh, ok, what’s up Liam?” Super cute.  You are a bossy little creature, which is fun…