• Adobe, as Far as the Eye Can See

    The lovely thing about vacationing without the children – who I dearly miss! – is how leisurely the morning coffee hour becomes.  Santa Fe’s elevation means that the nights have just a tiny…

  • Santa Fe

    On Wednesday night, the Professor and I enjoy tacos and margaritas at a cantina in a back alley of Montgomery.  Heading back to the room, we pass a half dozen people I recognize…

  • From Agony to Ecstacy

    Forty eight hours ago, nearly to the minute, I put down my number two pencil and closed my test booklet.  From somewhere in the back of the room came a Whoop and a…

  • my bleeding liberal heart

    I have my stories that I tell, about memories of lives I have lived in old places.  I’m not old, but I’ve been an adult for long enough now that memories of my…