• Verbal

    You tee teed on the potty today at home.  Jack helped you.  He asked me to leave the room, and when I came back you were splashing in the pee in the potty.…

  • Home Tour – Part 1 of 2

    A tour through our home, in pictures.  I felt obligated to caption each one, but the captions are neither scintillating nor particularly informative, so feel free to just scroll through the pictures.  This…

  • First “normal” day

    Today was the first day that I awoke in my home, showered and got ready for work, woke the children, fed and dressed them, drove them to school, and then went to work.…

  • Pinball

    Birmingham, training.  My first week of work, but it does not feel like it, because I am not in my city, staying in a downtown hotel.  Orientation is all forms, and small talk.…

  • housewarming/housedrenching

    Well, one move, one delayed closing, and one hurricane later, we are here, safe and sound, if a bit wet.  We left Nashville for our new home near Mobile, AL on the 18th,…