• Octoberish

    The Gulf Coast is not particularly Octoberly, come October.  Leaves don’t change, temps don’t dip, it’s pretty much August but with shorter days.  Nevertheless, it is decorative gourd season, mothers, and my children…

  • Happy, Busy

    I billed 11 hours today, and after I’ve finished writing this little missive, I will bill a couple more.  It is fortunate, then, that I seem to very much like this work I’m…

  • Mothers in the Legal Profession (MILP) Roundup # 272

    The weekly Mothers In the Legal Profession Roundup is hosted on a rotating basis at the Butterflyfish, PT Law Mom, Attorney at Large, Attorney Work Product, Today Advocating Tomorrow, here, and Magic Cookie blogs. Attorney at Large is .…

  • Tuesday

    A road closure/detour (that will last two weeks!) has doubled my commute, so I now drive over an hour each way.  Today, as reward for putting up with this heinous commute piled on…