Wonder Women Posts
I Wonder What He’ll Be When He Grows Up?
G Love and Darlin’ welcomed the master of the house to the world this morning at 8:10A EST: 8# 3 oz., 21¼”! Congratulations, cigars, blue bunting, and love all around!
You May Be Surprised to Know . . .
o . . . that I worked in a bakery for six months after grad school . . . but I’m actually not a very good baker. Most of my “from scratch” baked…
I Wonder What I was Like in Sixth Grade?
Dear G Love You were blessed with beauty, brains, and a loving heart. With Love, Mrs. T I forget what the competitions were for, but in any case I recall that I won…
I Wonder If I’ll Ever Go Back There Again?
The island is made entirely of sand. You can only get there by means of one of the barges that run from the eastern Australia coast – unless you want to charter a…
I Wonder What Is Making Me Happy Today?
I am very raindrops-on-roses-and-whiskers-on-kittens today, so this topic couldn’t be more easy for me. What is so great about my life right now, you ask? The pets and fetus had a pow wow,…