Wonder Women Posts
I Wonder What the Dumbest Comment I Ever Made Was . . .
The G Love Dumb Comment Gallery, with Dumbness Instances bolded for your reading pleasure: Exhibit AMy coworker Suzanne has come in for guidance on how to establish authority over a new direct report…
My Echo, My Shadow, and Me
Who is she? A slim Italian peasant, pinning her thick black braid off her neck before heading out into the summer heat to sell fruit from woven baskets, or to pick olives, or…
Just Call Me Wild Thang
This is an easy one. I’d stay in bed until Frog woke up, which is usually around 8. I’d change his diaper, wash his neck and face with a baby washcloth, and carry…
Help, My Inner Rebel is in a Coma
At different times in my life, I have been: o A hippy who bought all of my flowy natural-colored clothes at thrift stores and cut my own hair, and carried everything in a…
The Martyr
I don’t have much time to write this post. It’s 4:30, and I’ll be leaving work today on time, at 5, so I’ve only got half an hour to dash this off and…