Wonder Women Posts
I Wonder Why I Didn’t Post Yesterday?
A niece for G Love. 2008 has been a wonderful year. Everyone, meet Boo! What wonderful has happened to you lately?
I Wonder How Rin and The Boy are doing?
Our Wonder Woman Rinny and her husband The Boy are having a rough week. I will respect The Boy’s closely guarded privacy, and simply tell you readers that it involves a death in the close family. Close genetics-wise, but not close geographically, which adds to their stress. So I thought I would do the thing that is my favorite thing in the blog world, which is to say – I thought we would Wonder how much we love our friends, real and virtual, and we would send them support. So, how Wonder Women all, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways . . . Rin, I love…
I Wonder What Would Change if I Were President?
VOTE G LOVE 2008! The heck with being President, I want to be Dictator. Here is what I would decree: · The standard work week will drop to 35 hours from 45 (8 to 5 is 9 hours a day, people, and who snuck this change in hours by without a popular vote?). If it tries to creep back up I will slap its hand and tell it to go back where it belongs or it doesn’t get any dessert after supper.· If you promise to work out for at least 30 minutes at least 3 times a week, I will use the resulting extra money that isn’t spent on…
I Wonder How I Feel About Social Networking Sites?
Oh my god. Oh my god, oh my god, I have done a bad thing. I love my siblings, all four. I want to hear about their lives, I want to know their significant others, I want to see them at Christmas and Thanksgiving and wayyyy more often than that, even. I want Frog Baby to be close to his Aunts and Uncles, I want Darlin’ to feel like they are his brothers and sisters. I make lots of effort to keep (force) my presence in their lives and theirs in mine, and it’s worth all of the time it takes. There are two of my siblings still in college,…
A Much Better Perspective
http://cribchronicles.com/2008/10/20/to-the-brim/ This should’ve been what I wrote yesterday! Much better said.