Wonder Women Posts

  • I Wonder What Christmas Will Bring?

    George Bailey, a character with whom I always sympathized. My dad once told me, when I was about 12 years old, that I, like George, was also “born older.” I just know I,…

  • Evolution, with Tires

    In high school and early college, I was a VW bug (new model). Small. Unassuming. Kind of cute, kind of perky, but not really overbearing, or particularly sexy. Nothing superlative, in a good…

  • Gasp

    I Didn’t Vote. This is bad. I always vote. Except sometimes, when you don’t get t.v. stations, or the local paper, or work in the local area, you don’t realize that it’s voting…

  • Who Died and Made My Stomach the Boss?

    Like Rin and M, I cannot deny my tendency to hibernate when unwell. I also can’t add much to their thoughtful and funny observations, so I’m going to talk about another tendency that…

  • DUM dumdum DUM dumdum

    **The Wonder Women discovered today that they lost a sorority sister this week. Too young, too soon. Send uplifting thoughts to a small wee family in Lynchburg, Virginia that lost a mommy, wife,…