Wonder Women Posts

  • I Wonder What My Best Birthday Was?

    Hmmm. I wonder indeed. I adore my birthday, because I love attention, and cake, and presents. But it comes at an awkward time, landing right at the end of summer. It also lands…

  • I Wonder Why I Have No Restraint . . .

    I am not a health nut – I’m a moderately healthy eater and moderately healthy exerciser and I don’t go to extremes with either – very often. Pregnancy does not count. That said,…

  • Love Lives On

    Today, my mother died. She was 99 years old. Last week, she went hiking along the California coastline, with the aid of hoverboots and my twenty-year-old grandson’s strong arm. The week before, she…

  • I Wonder If They Call Me . . .

    Let me tell you how I see myself. I am a free spirit. I wrote out a list of why I think of myself this way, but it turned into an ILOVEME session,…