Wonder Women Posts
I Wonder What We’ll Do on Valentines Day?
On the 14th of February, 2004, I was laying on MSO Rin and stagexing’s couch in North Carolina, talking on the phone to my new boyfriend, who lived in Denver. We’d known each…
I Wonder What My Best Birthday Was?
Hmmm. I wonder indeed. I adore my birthday, because I love attention, and cake, and presents. But it comes at an awkward time, landing right at the end of summer. It also lands…
I Wonder Why I Have No Restraint . . .
I am not a health nut – I’m a moderately healthy eater and moderately healthy exerciser and I don’t go to extremes with either – very often. Pregnancy does not count. That said,…
Love Lives On
Today, my mother died. She was 99 years old. Last week, she went hiking along the California coastline, with the aid of hoverboots and my twenty-year-old grandson’s strong arm. The week before, she…
I Wonder If They Call Me . . .
Let me tell you how I see myself. I am a free spirit. I wrote out a list of why I think of myself this way, but it turned into an ILOVEME session,…