Wonder Women Posts

  • G Love Turns Twenty Three

    10:30 pm “Hi! It’s my twenty third birthday (hic)!”12:00 am “Hi! Verry nahce to meet yooouuu (burp). It’s mah twenny thurd buthday!”2:30 am “Isss maah twennny thurd tuhday burth, oh hai, ahm drunk…

  • Bow Chicka Wow Woooowww

    What does a fifteen year old know? Really? At fifteen, I knew that when I wore my crayon red cowboy-style button down shirt tucked into a pair of high waist jeans, no belt,…

  • I Wonder What I Envy?

    Envy. It’s one of the seven deadly sins. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s fillintheblank, but who doesn’t? Who doesn’t look at that green green grass over there, and forget to notice her…

  • I’m Just Putting Lotion on My Legs

    I have three stories for you. None of them can match Wicked’s amazing adventures, and I’m a little jealous. You haven’t really lived until you’ve had a crazy man fall in love with…