Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • Capitally Booooring

    Attending a conference by the "Maximize Your Human Capital" consulting group here in town – oh, that phrase "Human Capital," how it makes me feel like I’m the villain in that movie The Matrix.  I…

  • Dragon Feet

    For half an hour this Sunday morning, I watched our baby sleep.  Such bliss I have never known.  There are beautiful moments, every day, even sad days.  I may doubt my career aspirations,…

  • Friday Update

    Difficult day at work, on top of it all.  So to save my sanity, I did some retail therapy.  At Wal Mart, of course, there aren’t any other shops here in P____ County. …

  • Fridays are Hard

    I slept until 7:06 this morning.  I have to leave the house at 7:15.  I didn’t do this on purpose, and I wish I could say that I woke feeling refreshed, but instead…

  • Strawberry Flavored?

    Hey!   I know a new mom or two that read this blog.  And this is for them.  It’s a wee bit gross.  And boring.  Unless you’re them.  So other folks – don’t…