Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • The Week is O'er

    It’s Friday, el Boss is out of town, and I am having trouble summoning up much motivation for the ol’ job.  I also have a sort of mini cold.  It isn’t full blown…

  • Two Years

    Today, my assistant was out sick for the second day in a row.  I had to proctor a 4 hour testing session on her behalf, process our payroll, we had an accidental fire…

  • Wonder Woman Whine

    See Wonder Women for a whine about having no money.  UNLESS you find that sort of thing boring – and who wouldn’t – in which case, avoid Wonder Women at all costs this…

  • Thrifty

    In a fit of thrift, I have whipped up two ice cube trays worth of frozen baby food.  Squash, carrots, bananas.  Ice cube trays are a convenient way to freeze it – then…

  • Schmeconomic Schmownturn

    Dear baby – Mommy and daddy are a little stressed out just at the mo. If this economic “crisis” bidness had happened 8 months from now, a year from now, it wouldn’t be…