Categorizing Things is Overrated
A Joyfully Chaotic Weekend
I am back in my former home of North Carolina for a visit and to play my old band’s reunion show. The show was scheduled for my seventeenth wedding anniversary, the same night…
Morning Chill
The day we thought would never come is here at last – the morning we first light our gas fireplace, because it is reasonably chilly outside. October 8 and it is at last…
Sixth Annual Fall Beach Trip
Some vignettes from our trip this weekend – this time at Pensacola: We appear to have developed a little habit that we probably should break ASAP. ‘Tis the habit of taking our annual…
Labor Day Morning Meal Planning
Well clearly this has been in drafts for some time . . . Dinner prep is kind of complicated during hurricane season. Don’t want to have too much in the freezer . .…