Categorizing Things is Overrated
This Post is Clearly Not by Me!
It’s blog share time! The one time of year when we get to write what we want and post it on someone else’s blog, anonymously! So don’t be puzzled by what you read…
Mystery Unveiled
There’s a neat article on Atlantic Monthly’s website (and presumably, then, also in the print magazine) all about the reason why certain ingredients in baking recipes have to be certain temperatures. I used…
The Things We Do to Avoid Admiralty Law
I should be studying right now. The husband is watching the children for the express purpose of me getting some study time. Admiralty law is way complex, I have a test in two…
You dance?
You’re getting better and better at expressing yourself, little boy. You! Push button! Dis one! Dance! This is one of your favorite commandments – that we push the button on the boombox, make…