Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • Catching Up!

    Jack – I wrote this about you in April of 2012: Scared of monsters when he goes to sleep.  Will you sweep wif me?  Keep the door open and another door open and…

  • Fin

    I just finished my very last exam of my life (except for that whole THE BAR EXAM thing – I start the class to study for that on Monday.  So like, in four…

  • 19 months

    So, firstly, you never sleep, and that really sucks. However. You talk a lot. You sing Twinkle Twinkle Wil Staw, How I Wonder What Aw. Up Abuh Woo High, Wike a Di Eye,…

  • PS

    (After harping on the summa cum laude thing, I feel it’s only fair to admit to you that I barely passed my Masters program.  Which was in Shakespeare!  Which I loved!  And I…