Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • Broccoli-saurus

    Your mind is expanding every day, as you display more and more complex avenues of thought.  You are starting to get “smart” with us – which is to say, you are testing out…

  • Not THIS one

    Your Aunt Caki made you cupcakes for your second birthday – there was a cluster of white frosted cupcakes in the center that were powdered with graham cracker crumbs, meant to look like…

  • I Just Liam

    Lately, this is an exchange you have with your grandmother: “Dee Dee?”“what-ee?”“No, I not whatee, I just Liam.”“Oh, ok, what’s up Liam?” Super cute.  You are a bossy little creature, which is fun…

  • Big teeth

    The other night I was putting you to bed, and you were looking at me sweetly.  Then you started a strange and inventive monologue – describing my characteristics. “Mama, you have really big…

  • Liam – is this for me?  Uuuumm.  Um.  Uuuuuuum.  We’re here sounds like Wa Hey!  Can I watch Baby Einstein?  Lip out pout.  Yeah.  I’n get down.  Git up!  I’m awake!  Ta da. …