A road closure/detour (that will last two weeks!) has doubled my commute, so I now drive over an hour each way. Today, as reward for putting up with this heinous commute piled on…
You tee teed on the potty today at home. Jack helped you. He asked me to leave the room, and when I came back you were splashing in the pee in the potty.…
“Sumpin'” instead of something. You’re my best mama. I peeped! (That means you peed. If you accidentally drip some on your pants, you peeped your pants.) You coached Liam into going on the…
The following morning, the Professor lights the already-built fire (LUXURY), and we listen to New Age Native American flute music, which is sort of unlike us, but perfect in this context. He reads…
Potty training started today. You seem to dig sitting on the potty, and you are all about the M&Ms and stickers. I had to make a rule that you sit down for five…