Categorizing Things is Overrated
THPR Challenges
*THPR is The Happiness Project Revisited, and in January we have a week of prompts. Here are a few more. These are boring navel-gazing, fair warning: Are You Promotion Focused or Prevention Focused?…
THPR January Challenge 1
Describe your current season of life. What do you appreciate about it? What makes it different from other times in your life? I am no longer young, but not yet old. The boys…
Faith Journey
In her 1993 book “Dakota,” Kathleen Norris describes growing up in a Methodist church where her father was choir director. From toddler age she sang in the cherub choir, and took the sheet…
January 16*
(*the amount of friction I have removed from writing here more by simply titling these with the date is huge. “Thinking up a title” can sometimes just stop me in my tracks entirely.)…