Categorizing Things is Overrated

  • MILP Roundup # 351

    The weekly Mothers In the Legal Profession Roundup is hosted on a rotating basis at the Butterflyfish, Grace, BJJ, Law, and Living, Mommy and the Sin City, Magic Cookie, The Reluctant Grownup, and…

  • Mother’s Day Weekend

    Each month on the month-a-versary of their birth through to age 1, I have taken a photo  of my sons sitting next to this bunny, as a means of measuring how quickly they…

  • Hump Day Picture Post

    Billed fifty hours this past week again, which will make many a New York Big Law lawyer scoff (since they do more like 90-100).  But for this mom of three, doing 10-12 hour…

  • Untitled

    We had some very bad weather down here the other day.  I woke with the baby at 4 am, put on the local weather station while I nursed him on the couch.  The…